
Nowadays all states come out for a total control over the information in all institutions — from periodicals to information traffic on the Internet, thus depriving people of their rights to anonymity and expressing their own points of view. By exercising control over all information flows, state and corporate structures try to isolate the population from the alternative unwanted opinions.

We, an anarchist group “Black Feather Collective”, stand out for an unhampered information distribution and free access to information sources, independent from the state propaganda and censorship.

Being an anarchist collective, we support basic ideas of anarchism: absence of authority, freedom from compulsion, freedom of associations, mutual aid, diversity, equality and comradeship.

We come out against capitalism, hierarchy, any form of discrimination (racial, sexual, ethnic and other) and compulsion, private and state property.

One of the main objectives of the «Black Feather Collective» is to facilitate Belarusian information spread development, to distribute veracious information concerning events in the country. This is achieved by publishing news and analytical articles on different topics. Moreover we translate foreign materials (particularly news, analytical articles and calls for actions) aiming at developing international cooperation, coordination and solidarity.

To contact us, feel free to write to blackfeather[at]resist[dot]ca (public pgp-key).